Joel Nodelman
I am an engineer and risk specialist with over forty years of professional practice. My main goal is climate resilience. I help my clients work toward resilience in the design, operation, and management of infrastructure and governance systems. I will help you find practical ways to address your climate risk.

Sharing my skills and experience to make the world more resilient.
Climate resilience depends on wholistic approaches to risk management. I strive to achieve a balance between:
Resilient to climate events
Integration of adaptation into existing finance and governance systems
Sensitivity to the environment, and social systems
Finding ways to build adaptation into strategic opportunities
I believe resilience is not simply a cost to bear. It is also an opportunity to make us all safer, more environmentally aware, and competitive.

A gifted speaker, facilitator and educator who taught 4th-year engineering courses in sustainable development and engineering management at the University of Alberta for well over a decade.
Lead instructor for numerous professional development courses on climate risk assessment, both online and face to face. Led live sessions in every province and territory of Canada.
Author of numerous articles and papers on sustainable development, climate change, climate resiliency, and environmental affairs.
45+ years of professional practice in engineering, risk, and climate resilience
B.Sc.(Hon) – Queen’s University – Chemistry
M.Sc. – Queen’s University – Chemical Engineering
P.Eng. – Professional Engineer
FEC – Fellow of Engineers Canada
IRP – Infrastructure Resilience Professional
CRM – Canadian Risk Management Professional